Ceres Elementary School Home


Principal's Message

The Mission of Ceres Elementary School is to provide a positive, interactive, safe and caring environment for every child. With the support of our staff and supportive parents your child will have an opportunity to become proficient on State Standards and achieve high levels of academic proficiency. We are committed to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of each individual student. Our students will be expected to reach their greatest potential as we provide them with the tools and strategies to become good citizens and lifelong learners.

Events Calendar

News and Alerts

25-26 Dual Language Immersion Interest Form

The interest form for the 25-26 Incoming Kindergarten Dual Language Immersion Program will be open from January 8th at 9 a.m. until January 17th. You must complete this form for your child to be considered for the program. Please note, this form is intended for incoming kindergarten students only.